Aloha friend, I hope you are having a productive and deeply satisfying Winter season. After spending a blissful last winter on Maui Hawaii, I realized just how necessary it is for me to have a season to turn inward, to go within and cultivate, a time to gestate and prepare for the rebirth of Spring. In Hawaii it is always summer, so, believe it or not, my spirit actually missed that hibernation time and took an extra long one this fall and winter. It occurred after about a year of being Nomadic. Once I arrived back in Vancouver in Sept 2011, after driving across the country from Ottawa, playing concerts along the way with Cora Flora, I fell into a deeply challenging space personally where I was faced with my own lack of discipline, self-doubt and fear. It was the most intensely emotional few months of my life, where I felt like I had nothing left to give and was walking thru my own "dark night of the soul". In which I had no choice but to face deep emotional energy of shame and grief within myself. I am so grateful for this experience because it forced me to choose to develop more resources and begin implementing lasting changes in the way I live my life. In essence, it has been about getting real, creating daily routines and healthier choices as I choose to act on the intuitive guidance that I receive and to share myself with others. I am now focusing on creating and sharing music and the things I am passionate about in life, resources and information that empowers people to live life with freedom, inspiration and self-responsibility. I have been on a path of personal growth, empowerment and self-determination for about 15 years and have been exposed to so many amazing people and resources for living a healthy, empowered and awakened life. It is an ever-evolving journey and I am excited to start sharing these with you! Currently in Vancouver, I have been reflecting on my time in Ottawa and the amazing community I feel so loved and known by there. Living in Ottawa has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, and a big part of it is because of all the amazing people and holistic sound healing community I was welcomed into when I arrived. I am blessed to have spent my first year working with sound healer and musician Jeremy Sills, co-facilitating Shamanic Sound Healing Concerts, as well as performing with several other musicians such as David Hickey and Debbie Danbrook and at the Ottawa Sound Healing Conference. I have been feeling such gratitude for the amazing community that has loved and welcomed me wherever I have shown up, Vancouver, Maui, Ottawa etc.. Thank you brilliant human family tribe! So, the journey continues, although it feels like it is just starting again! I am grateful for what feels like a long winter of dying so that I can now be reborn, ready to share and create as I never have in the past! Plans for the future are formulating, and I still feel called to spend more time out East, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto. Time will tell... Thank you for your listening, reading and receiving… for I could not share as I do were you not here to receive. Each moment and energy exchange is infinite and eternal! Thank you for the Light that you are in the World!! Aloha and Deep Gratitude, Theda