![]() * (If you want to pre-order or contribute to the new CD that I am recording please go to the Music page of my website) http://www.thedaphoenix.com/music.html Wow! What a wild adventure, tons of work and a great learning curve!!! I am very pleased to report that we surpassed my funding goal, with over 131 funders, over $5000 was raised for the recording of my new CD!!!!!! Thank you to all of you, my wonderful fans, friends and family that believe in me so much and continually reflect to me how much my voice and music contributes to them and others and needs to be heard. I feel like I have a huge cheering section and have finally grabbed the ball and run onto the court ready to play full out! It really is up to us to jump and trust that the net will appear!! (Photo by Dee Gandhi) Life is our playground, a blank canvas waiting to be filled by whatever we imagine. We are the ones who get to create whatever it is we dream. By being willing to take the steps, the actions, to play the game, to risk failing and falling is the only way to see them come true. We can hear these words a million times, but until we actually do it, we will never know. It takes courage, and a willingness to not know the answers or how its gonna turn out. Letting myself be okay with not knowing and remembering that i am here to learn and grow, discover, uncover and be who I really am and express what I came here to give to the world, is key! I believe we all have a gift to give and a difference to make, and often it is our greatest challenges that fuel us and also become our greatest gifts to ourselves and others. I am in the process of recording my written songs, and choosing what direction to take them, what instrumentation and feel to best support and showcase the songs and make them beautiful and listen-able to a wide audience. This is my current challenge, and I am up for it! We are almost halfway thru recording and have been working on this for 2 months already. I expect the CD will be finished in the mid-late fall and will keep you posted! Even tho the indiegogo funding campaign has ended, I am still accepting contributions, pre-orders of the CD and offering perks if anyone is interested. Every penny raised will go towards making a great product and sharing it with you! To Pre-Order or contribute cick here... http://www.thedaphoenix.com/music.html Thank you so much for all your love and support! Blessings, Aloha, Namaste Theda Watch the campaign video here.. http://www.indiegogo.com/theda?c=home&a=892712